Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Into the Dead

Into the dead is the greatest iphone game ever and I haven’t decided whether to tell you or not why. I haven’t decided whether I want to play it right now instead of writing about it. I really want to but I think I will write about it instead such is my love for this great game. The key to any great game that is specifically designed for a phone is that they know one of the biggest reasons for playing games on your phone is either to procrastinate at work or play on the toilet. The key to procrastinating is finding jobs that may only take a couple of minutes so you feel that you will be back to the work you are doing in no time. If you had to set up a console, you know you are locked in for at least half an hour, it’s not a quick 2 minute game. If it was a quick two minute game they probably copied the game from a phone styled game anyway but I digress. I was procrastinating in the last few sentences because I couldn’t be bothered about writing what I was meant to be writing about because I love procrastinating.

Into the dead is great because it tests your skill and reflexes in terms of dodging and shooting zombies. Shooting zombies is not actually hard because you just have to tap the screen to shoot, which means the skill lies in dodging the zombies. But if you pick up a gun you can just plow right through them. Which really annoys them. Do the zombies have feelings, can they really be dead when I kill them in the game or are they just lying there asleep? I don’t know, perhaps they are just tired and having asleep, or perhaps me shooting at them hurts their feeling and they are sad because they don’t know why I am shooting at them. Perhaps that’s what the creators of the game have aimed for, wanting the players to spare a thought for zombies in video games because lets face it, nobody gives the much love or thought.